wireless routers- link ’em up

My sister-in-law is looking for a quality wireless router for her home. She uses a standard Dell desktop and brings her work laptop home in the evenings. Can’t get the Dell to connect to the VPN for whatever reason. Has a standard A-DSL hookup via Cwest.

What models do you recommend and which of you, for a free Chipotle burrito (or two), would be willing to help her set it up?

One thought on “wireless routers- link ’em up”

  1. Linksys WRT-54G series. Preferably the L version (I think that’s it) where it has a bit more memory and you can replace the firmware with OpenWRT if you’re into such things. Sadly the Ls are hard to find, but the WRT-54GS is a good one too.

    Although mine is sitting with the default firmware after I became unhappy with the Sveasoft stuff and decided that the built-in stuff was just fine.

    Easy to set up. Pretty easy to make reasonably secure. It just works. Plus you can find the WRT-54GS for about $70 in town. Less if you buy on-line. Newegg (www.newegg.com) has the WRT-54GL for $63 before $10 rebate.

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