Coworking in Lowertown

Do you know someone who is an independent freelancer, working at home or otherwise in need of some space to work and some company? If so they may be interested in Coworking. What is coworking? Here is one person’s elevator pitch:

“Tired of fighting for desk space at coffee shops like Ritual House Coffee Roasters?

Are you self-employed and miss community and structure in your work life?

If so, then it’s time to start the New Year right and give coworking a try!

What is Coworking? Coworking is cafe-like community and collaboration space for developers, writers and independents. Grassroots coworking spaces are popping up all over the world, from New York City, to Paris, to… San Francisco.”

And now, there is a coworking space coming together in the Lowertown area of Saint Paul called The A Place. They are looking for people who are interested to sign up so that they have some idea of possible members.

Therefore, if you are interested, or know anyone who may be, point them here to get involved. Personally, I have been a big fan of coworking for a long time. So much so that, even though I have a full time job with an office, I still plan on signing up for a night and weekend hot desk membership just to support that cause.