We are evaluating helpdesk software right now.  What are you using? Do you like it? We need something that will generate a ticket via email, cc the tech who owns the ticket, allow us to sort tickets by client/priority, and be easy to use/learn.
Monthly Archives: January 2009
January Geek Gather at Wilde Roast in NE MPLS
The new year starts with a new venue for a change. We’ll meet at the Wilde Roast Cafe in NE Minneapolis, on Tuesday 1/13/08 at 6.30 PM. Click here for directions.
We’ll be in the Parlor room. We’ll see you there.
Geek Gather Blog Content Link?
I was wondering if there were a way to aggregate tech-related posts from those of you who post them on your personal blogs on the geek gather blog as well? I have no clue how to do that but I would think that there is some way to feed one thing off of another in some controlled fashion—or copy and past at the very least. I would appreciate an aggregation of that kind of content in one place (not that I don’t want to see you personal blogs). At any rate—maybe we can discuss this at the next GG.
Does anybody want networking gear?
These components are up for grabs. Please contact me if you are interested.
Geek Gather in MPLS?
How would you feel about at MPLS Geek Gather location for a change? If you like the idea, where would we meet? I suggested Wilde Roast Cafe in the past but there is some concern that it may not lend itself to a larger group (more than 5 or 6 of us). Please share your thoughts and comments.