Category Archives: Link

April’s Latest Book

(Updated) WordPress 3 Complete is out. This is April’s (not the month, the geek) latest publication. It’s a complete rewrite of the earlier editions for WordPress 2.x that she co-authored.  This one’s entirely April’s.

WordPress 3 Complete
April's WordPress 3 Book


It took me longer than expected to read this.  There’s a lot of information presented here, and it turns out that WordPress itself is bigger than I had imagined.  It seems that there’s a whole culture that has grown up around this stuff, which is good because it means that the environment is rich and the possibilities are great, but it also means that it is easy to get lost.  That’s why it’s helpful to have a native guide, and that brings us back to April’s book.
Continue reading April’s Latest Book

It starts…Scottie’s Podcast

Well, I finally did it. I have put together my first podcast of a series I hope to keep up-to-date regularly. You can subscribe to it in iTunes here or go to my website and view it here. I have to give a HUGE thanks to Photoshop extraordinaire Ryan Payne (aka laweranceoak here on the blog) for creating the graphic for me. Please give it a listen and give me some feedback. Does it suck, was it OK, should I do this, should I do that, more of this, less of that, etc. Pick it apart and let me know. Thanks geeks.