That’s a first

Apple is bumping up speeds on their current MacBook Pro lineup of laptops at no cost to the customer. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that happen. Could this be interpreted as a sign for a fruitful relationship between Apple and Intel? At the very least it is great news for those who pre-ordered. As a former PowerBook user, I am very used to postponed ship dates – I’d definitely prefer a free 20% speed bump. Let’s just hope this doesn’t delay shipping after all. Oh, in case you want to look this up – here is the link to the original post.

One thought on “That’s a first”

  1. I did not see this yet as I have been populating our Active Directory server this morning. This is great news and more of reason to run out and pick up a MacBook Pro. There was a great article at that gives a Inspiron vs. MacBook Pro analysis. You can give even more of the advantage to the MBP with the CPU bump. If the specs on the MBP don’t get you excited, it’s sexiness must.

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