Leopard, First install report

So I installed Leopard on my 2.16GHz Core 2 Duo 20″ iMac using the Uprade installation routine. The installation took about 45mins and was completed successfully. Upon restarting however, I got the blue screen of death. I booted from the disk again, the installer offered to install again, which I did – same result. No booting. I then booted from the disk and ran an archive and install, which worked. Booting works, I am in. Small setback though, I am a “standard user” and I can’t do jack! I found this article on the internet to reset the root password (thank you MacXORhacker!) and solved the problem. So all in all, a pretty rocky start for Mac OS X 10.5. I am running the installer now on a 933MHz G4 iBook…

5 thoughts on “Leopard, First install report”

  1. Installation worked like a charme on the old iBook G4 933MHz. No blue screen, no user account password issues. I am surprised how well it performs on this machine.

  2. I installed 10.5 on a Core Duo Mini at work yesterday. The clean install was trouble-free and there was effectively no difference in the steps to configure it to work on our LAN than with 10.4. Unfortunately, the work day ended before I was able to actually use that Mac much.

    I had high hopes of upgrading my G4 Mini at home, but because of the file system it came with from Apple, direct upgrades aren’t supported.

    I attempted to use the 10.5 installer to clone the Mini to another HDD, but that process hung once, and a second time overnight. So I understand what I need to do–no worries. Just have to get a clone made so I can import my settings.

    I haven’t had any errors or crashes, just delayed gratification at home.

  3. This is the first web page I’ve visited since updating to 10.5.

    I’m not sure what I did differently, but after I cloned a copy of my Mini’s HDD to an external drive with the 10.4 installer disk, when I went to do the 10.5 upgrade I was able to upgrade my Mini directly after all.

    I’m off to test the apps I use to see if anything has to be reinstalled, but so far I have to say I like the improvements. And the G4 Mini seems to be running just as fast as before.

  4. Turns out, Apple is now recommending an archive and install under certain circumstances. I did not have any enhancers installed, and still encountered the problem. In the meanwhile, the computer seems to be running fine. Nevertheless, I have experiences some crashes, which I would expect from a .0 release. More specifically, I have come across a bug with the “stacks” a couple of times. If I am downloading a file to “Downloads” (the standard location in Leopard), and look at the stack in “Grid” form while the files are downloading, the stack and the dock lock up, with the grid window opened. I cannot shut that process down without rebooting the machine (there maybe a unix command to do this that I don’t know). I can still shut down other apps manually though, before the restart.

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